- 本案已依程序經2023年10月4日學校1121004(1193)次行政會議通過。
- 因應物價指數調整及宿舍相關營運成本上升,113學年度調漲學生宿舍住宿費用,福星男、女宿舍(I、H棟)住宿費調整為19,900元整/每學期/人,逢甲學舍各棟住宿費調漲15%,精采學舍住宿費不調漲,詳請見本中心網站之「113學年度學生宿舍住宿收費標準」。
- 各棟宿舍住宿保證金費用維持不變,福星男、女宿舍1500元/學期/人,精采、學舍學舍6000元/學期/人。
- 如有相關費用問題可來電洽詢【04-24517250分機86001】。
Purpose: Issues regarding the increase in Feng-Chia University student dormitory housing
fees for the 2024 academic year.
- This case has been approved by the school’s 1121004(1193) th administrative meeting on October 4, 2023 in accordance with procedures.
- In response to price index adjustments and increases in dormitory-related operating costs, the housing fees for student dormitories will be increased in the 2024 academic year. The housing fees for Fusing Male and Female Dormitories (Buildings I and H) will be adjusted to 19,900 NTD. per semester per person. Feng-Chia Student House housing fee for each building will be increased by 15%. The housing fee for the Jing-Tsai Student House will not be increased. For details, please see the "Student Dormitory Housing Rates for the 2024 Academic Year" on the website of the center.
- The accommodation deposit fee for each dormitory building remains unchanged. The fee for male and female dormitories in Fusing is 1,500 NTD. per semester per person, and the fee for Jing-Tsai and Feng-Chia Student House is 6,000 NTD. per semester per person.
- Contact to Fusing Campus Operation Management Center
(Office hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 – 6:00) TEL: 886-4-2451-7250, ext.86001
No.98, Fusing N. Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 40741, Taiwan (R.O.C.)