


Overseas New Students Area

Living in student dormitory is a great way to become part of the University of Feng-Chia community. Newly arriving international undergraduate students will be allocated to quad rooms of Fusing Dorm (Apply for Fall Semester). Student Dormitory provided a comfortable and welcoming environment for incoming International students. It offer a great way to meet people, live close to your classes and campus activities and provide a strong support system to help you adjust to life in Taiwan and our University campus.

How To Apply For Housing

Application object | Fall Admission for International freshman
Application online | 09:00 am , August 04, 2025 to 24:00 pm , August 17, 2025.
Check the result of room assignment | After 5:00 pm, August 19, 2025.
◎ Cancellation of beds will not be accepted after payment of fees (including not register or drop out of school). Dormitory fees and deposits paid will not be refunded after giving up the bed. Students who cannot cooperate should not apply for student dormitories.

Check-in times

● Checking in : From 9:00-17:00, After 8/29 , 2025.
● All of residents shall participate in“Student Dormitory Regulations& Security Drills”from 18:00-19:20 on August 31, 2025.

Office of Student Recruitment and Admission

Email : osra@fcu.edu.tw;Phone :+886-4-24517250 #2941


Office of International Affairs

Email : iso@o365.fcu.edu.tw;Phone :+886-4-24517250 #2501
