一、 第二學期欲申請床位調整者,於即日起至2024年12月23日(一)前至宿舍辦公室(G棟一樓)提出,並於2025年1月15日(三)中午12時前更換到定位,本中心將協助調整第二學期住宿費用。
二、 逾期(即2024年12月24日至2025年1月7日止)欲申請調整床位者,第二學期住宿費由高價換低價不調整,住宿費由低價換高價要補費,不得異議,請注意自身權益。
三、 申請床位調整後,應於2025年1月15日(三)中午12時前完成床位調整程序(清空原寢室 > 請服務台人員檢查原寢室 > 搬到更換後的寢室),若未能於上述規定時間內完成換宿檢查,視同放棄此次床位調整,不得異議,請注意自身權益。
四、 2025年1月8日(三)起不受理期末床位調整申請,欲更換宿舍/寢室同學請於2月10日後至宿舍辦公室申請床位調整。
五、 如有相關問題亦可來電洽詢【04-24517250分機86001】。
Purpose: Application matters for student dormitory bed adjustment at the end of the 1st semester of the 2024 academic year
I. Those who want to apply for a dormitory change in the 2nd semester should apply before December 23, 2024, and change to a new location before 12:00 noon, January 15, 2025, to help adjust the dormitory fees for the 2nd semester.
II. For those who want to apply to change dormitories after the time limit (From December 24, 2024 to January 7, 2025), the dormitory fee for the 2nd semester will not be adjusted if it is changed from a high price to a low price. If the dormitory fee for the 2nd semester is changed from a low price to a high price, there will be a surcharge.
III. After applying for bed adjustment, the bed adjustment procedure should be completed before 12:00 noon, January 15, 2025 (clear the original dormitory > ask the front desk staff to check the original dormitory > move to the changed dormitory). If you are unable to complete the transfer inspection (i.e. check-out inspection of the original dormitory) within the deadline, it will be regarded as giving up the bed adjustment. No objection is allowed for adjustments, please pay attention to your own rights.
IV. Applications for bed adjustment at the end of the semester will not be accepted from January 8, 2025. Students who want to change dormitory/bed should go to the office to apply for bed adjustment after February 10, 2025.
V. Contact to Fusing Campus Housing Service Center(Office hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 – 5:00) TEL: 886-4-2451-7250, ext.86001
No.98, Fusing N. Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 40741, Taiwan (R.O.C.)